Saturday, November 27, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

331/365 | Saturday, November 27, 2021 | #365PictureToday


Picture Color | Rainbow | Scavenger Hunt
This took me a long time to finish because the day fell on one of the early days when I was falling ill (and was out of commission for nearly two weeks).  I had already taken nearly all of the pictures but between being sick, keeping up with current photo posts, and getting ready for Christmas, I had very little time to organize the pictures and make the collage.  I finally had time to put it all together.  Lately, I've been using Canva to make collages because I have found it to be easier to work with than Lightroom.
Red: Lego-themed candles on my son's birthday French silk pie
Orange: Showing my alma mater's colors for the big game against our in state rival
Yellow: My son's new Hufflepuff Lego creation
Green: My Lego advent wreath
ROYGBIV: My favorite fuzzy scarf
Blue: Cavman is blue because we lost the big game
Purple: Some decorative flowers I have in my dining room
White: My Cabbage Patch doll
Pink: A Care Bear


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