Wednesday, November 10, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

314/365 | Wednesday, November 10, 2021 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Gratitude 
Almost six years ago I had a very bad experience with sciatica. After having imaging done, my doctor said that I might need surgery or at the very least try epidural injections.  I asked if there were any other options and she said that I could try physical therapy.  I picked the physical therapy.  I went to the office once or twice a week and learned how to do the exercises, which they had me do at home on the off days.  To this day I start my day with stretches to help prevent it from happening again.  So here I am early in the morning stretching my legs and back.  I'm very grateful that I haven't had any additional severe sciatic pain since then.


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