Friday, November 12, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

316/365 | Friday, November 12, 2021 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Gratitude
Nearly every year for somewhere close to 20 years I have participated in a charity walk for Church World Service.  Over the years there have been many taglines for this walk.  One is: "We walk because they walk."  We walked approximately 3 miles today because 3.1 miles represents the average distance to clean water in developing countries, often traveled each way daily by women and girls to bring back clean water for their families.  Another tagline has been: "Ending hunger one step at a time."  I feel empowered when I help raise money for this organization, knowing that it is going to a good cause.  I'm also grateful that I am in a position to both walk and help raise money.  I had intended to try to get myself in a picture, but it's hard to walk and try to take a selfie at the same time.  As you can see, we even had a police escort for part of our walk. To find out more about Church World Service and Crop Hunger Walks or to donate, please click on the following link:  2021 CWS Crop Hunger Walk Donations


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