Friday, July 29, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

210/365 | Friday, July 29, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture Style | Double Exposure 
I had an appointment with my retina specialist today; I have a freckle on my retina that needs to be monitored yearly.  That gave me the idea to try to photograph my eye. (Not as easy as it sounds.  Autofocus doesn't seem to want to work, and even when I think I have it in focus manually, I apparently don't.)  Then I thought that it would be fun to superimpose a globe over my eye since I am curious about the world and love to travel.  My accomplishments aren't as stellar as some people I know, but I have been to 46 states, 7 Canadian provinces, 3 or 4 Mexican states, the Bahamas, Spain, and Morocco.  And the globe is a travel memory in itself because we purchased it in Alaska.



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