Thursday, July 14, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

195/365 | Thursday, July 14, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Toys 
During the summer at the math-only tutoring center where I work (Mathnasium in case you've heard of it), we like to make things fun and interesting for the students.  We do fun days, play lots of math games, and have summer camp themes for several weeks to give students a little break from their regular work.  The summer camp themes try to tie math concepts to other concepts like baking, programming, outer space, etc.  This summer I volunteered to lead two different weeks (What was I thinking?!?!).  Back in June I did two sessions on architecture and the need to understand the mathematical concept of scale.  This week I just finished two sessions on mathematical art.  On Tuesday we talked about cubism and de stijl and the kids created their own art with geometric shapes.  Today we talked about pointillism and the kids used a coordinate plane to color in a picture.  I decided to color my own version of it, and here it is.

 This is another picture I made to demonstrate pointillism.

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