Sunday, August 8, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

220/365 | Sunday, August 8, 2021 | #365PictureToday


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The past couple of weeks have been difficult.  Three people we have known well have all passed away.  Gordon Funkhouser and his late wife Judy were staples in my church growing up.  At church Gordon loved to usher and share the children's story when asked.  When I arrived at church early some Sundays, he was always willing to share a joke.  Later when I returned as an adult, Kendal Elmore became pastor there. He ignited the spark that had been smoldering for many years and ultimately baptized my husband and me, leading to our present involvement in our congregation.  Even though he moved to other pastorates and a stint as a district executive, we remained in contact.  We met Dave Blanchard shortly before our oldest son crossed over to Boy Scouts and for the next ten to twelve years we saw Dave on a nearly weekly basis at Scout meetings, camp outs, and District Scouter meetings.  Dave always had interesting information to impart to the Scouts when working on merit badges or in boards of review.  He was never short on stories of interest to the adults as well.  This flower arrangement was left at church as the communion table display for today and was almost certainly placed as part of Gordon's funeral.  I love the pattern of the roses in it, and it may seem strange to use this for the prompt bliss, but I feel that I know all three gentlemen well enough to believe that they have gone on to their eternal bliss.  Rest in peace, Gordon, Kendal, and Dave. 
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." ~2 Timothy 4:7



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