Sunday, August 22, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

 234/365 | Sunday, August 22, 2021 | #365PictureToday


Picture Style | Double Exposure 
This picture is a few days late.  As I was driving home from the store on Wednesday, I realized that I could just stop by a local lake (which I could have done on Sunday as well, but it didn't occur to me then).  I had only intended to take a picture of the lake, but I decided to take a path that I don't usually take so that I could get a different view of the lake.  I was rewarded by also seeing this beautiful black and blue Red-spotted Purple butterfly.  I started formulating an idea for combining those two images. My husband graciously combined the two images in his photo editing program under my direction for the look I was trying to achieve.  I'm pretty happy with my first ever attempt at digital double exposure.



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