Saturday, February 4, 2023

35/365 Picture Today Post

35/365 | Saturday, February 4, 2023 | #365PictureToday


Picture Life | Life-long Learning
Well, my name is one unique thing about me, but that's not the focus of this picture.  And while I received my degree in architecture, this diploma doesn't mean that my learning on that subject has stopped.  But that also isn't the focus of this picture.  After I graduated, I worked for a time in a picture framing store, and I learned all of the aspects of picture framing.  One of the perks of the job was that we could buy discounted supplies and come in early or on our days off and frame our personal projects.  After I had worked there for a bit, I framed my own diploma.  I already had a frame the right size so this is how I chose to frame it.  Shortly after this, my then boyfriend also graduated, so naturally I framed his diploma also.  I still occasionally make use of this skill when I am able.



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