Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Homeschool Sports Access in Virginia - Part 2

HB 511 passed the Virginia House of Delegates by a narrow margin.  The next stop will be the Senate since I haven't heard that there is a separate Senate bill this session.  In case you're interested these are the delegates who voted against the bill: Adams, D.M., Bagby, Bennett-Parker, Bloxom, Bourne, Bulova, Carr, Clark, Convirs-Fowler, Coyner, Delaney, Filler-Corn, Glass, Guzman, Hayes, Helmer, Herring, Hope, Hudson, Jenkins, Keam, Kory, Krizek, Lopez, Maldonado, McQuinn, Mullin, Mundon King, Murphy, Plum, Price, Rasoul, Reid, Roem, Scott, D.L., Sewell, Shin, Sickles, Simon, Simonds, Subramanyam, Sullivan, Torian, Tran, VanValkenburg, Ward, Watts, Willett, Williams Graves--49.

This is quite interesting because I received the following e-mail message from my delegate, Elizabeth Guzman, after e-mailing her:

Thank you for reaching out to the legislative office of Delegate Guzman. We value your position on this topic and I have logged your support for HB 511 into Delegate Guzman's online system.

I am pleased to inform you HB 511 has passed through the House of Delegates and is on its way to the Senate . She will take your position, as well as all others, into consideration before she is presented with the opportunity to vote on similar legislation in the future. 


Please never hesitate to reach out to our office if you have other pieces of legislation that you would like her to have your input on. Additionally, please never hesitate to reach out to us as our office handles a wide variety of constituent services and we will work diligently to solve any issues you might be facing.


Oddly, she voted against the bill but is pleased to inform me that it passed??? 

If you are interested in this legislation finally passing, I urge you to contact your State Senator sooner rather than later to ask him or her to support this bill when it crosses over.  As of February 15, it is in the Senate Committee on Education and Health.  The following Senators are on that committee:

Lucas (Chair), Saslaw, Howell, Newman, Locke, Barker, Petersen, Cosgrove, Lewis, Dunnavant, Suetterlein, Peake, Edwards, Hashmi, Pillion

Since these senators represent the interests of all Virginians, you should feel free to contact any of them, especially those who may be on the fence, to ask them to support this bill.  I feel certain that Governor Younkin would sign this bill if it crosses his desk.  Contact information for all senators can be found here: https://apps.senate.virginia.gov/Senator/index.php


As a recap on the issue, VAHomeschoolers has a breakdown of all of the pertinent information here: https://vahomeschoolers.org/advocacy/issues/sports-access






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