Wednesday, September 22, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

265/365 | Wednesday, September 22, 2021 | #365PictureToday


Picture Style | Fast Shutter

 I tried to catch the ball hitting the pins today, but this was the best I got.  I'm still learning how to adjust everything on the Nikon Coolpix.  In another picture I bumped up the ISO to 800, which is the max, and then figured out how to set the shutter speed, but I'm still not sure how to set the f-stop, although it was already at 5.6 so I thought that should have let in plenty of light.  I ended up putting it back into P mode, which left the ISO at 800, the f-stop at 5.6, and it set the shutter speed to 1/20 second.

ISO 800, f-stop 5.6, shutter speed 1/200 second

On September 8, my husband took this picture with one of our "good" cameras.  ISO 3200, f-stop 5.6, shutter speed 1/125 second

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