Wednesday, April 28, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

 118/365 | Wednesday, April 28, 2021 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony 
Yesterday I showed you three books that are i\on my to-be read list.  Today I show you three books that I am in the process of reading.  This is a series of books by Marisa de los Santos.  A couple of years ago I joined an online book club hoping to push myself to finish more books.  This spring the book club is reading i'll be your blue sky, which is actually the third book in the series, but it worked as a standalone.  I finished it very quickly and wanted to find out where the story started so now I am reading the first book, Love Walked In.  I have almost finished it, and I have the middle book, Belong to Me, on audiobook at the ready.


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