Friday, February 5, 2010

Not So Lazy Weekends

I've been intending to write a post about our weekends, so here goes.

The first weekend of the new year began with a lot of housecleaning because the first Sunday of the year we were hosting my mother's extended family. By my mother's extended family, I really mean my grandmother and her siblings' families. Traditionally, my grandmother has always hosted this event, but her declining health has forced her to move into an assisted living situation. Last year the event was still held at her house, hosted by my mom and one of her sisters, but this year my grandmother's house has been rented out in order to bring in some funds to pay for her care. Therefore her house was unavailable, so since we have a relatively large home, we offered to host. Ultimately, we had 42 people at our house for a pot luck meal.

The following weekend brought the start of recreational basketball season. My older son had a game at 11:00 a. m. He made at least one basket, and his team won. Even though it was just a scrimmage, it gets the season off to a good start. After that we had lunch, and my younger son't game was at 1:30 p. m. Scoring isn't posted for his division. To end the day, we attended a birthday party for my older son's friend JG. We ended up staying until about 9:00 p. m. On Sunday we attended church and then relaxed at home for a little while. My older son is enrolled in Junior Cotillion, which meets once a month. This particular Sunday was their scheduled meeting for January. I dropped him off and went to get groceries. Afterward we went out to dinner.

The middle weekend of January proved to be very exciting. In the morning my older son had a basketball game. The team was down by 20 points, but they came back to tie it up at the end of regulation. They lost 59-54 in overtime. In the afternoon, our Cub Scout pack held its Pinewood Derby. My younger son won for the first time in 3 years. To celebrate we had dinner at Red Lobster. Sunday was a relaxing day with just church on the schedule.

The next to last weekend was very relaxing. Since my husband and older son went to the Outer Banks with the Boy Scout troop, it just left my younger son and me at home. With only one basketball game, we ran a few errands and went home to fix dinner. On Sunday we went to church and came home to await the return of the rest of the family.

This brings us to the last weekend of January and the first weekend of February, which are similar due to the fact that there has been snow. All of our activities for both Saturdays were canceled. Thanks to our 4-wheel drive truck, we were able to make it to church on Sunday.

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