Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Week Back at School

Well, we returned to school this week, and there's never any easing back into things around here. Actually getting back to work on Monday wasn't as hard as I thought it would be after being off for two weeks. The boys actually did a fair amount of work on Monday, but Monday also brought the start of rec. basketball season. Ian's practice is on Monday nights. However this is also Boy Scout night for Preston. Tuesday is music lessons, and because it was the first Tuesday of the month, it was also Patrol Leader Council for Boy Scouts. Wednesday should have been Cub Scouts, but we had a piano recital instead. Preston's basketball practice is on Thursdays, and just to keep it interesting, we had a field trip on Friday. Really, it was just a private tour of a local precast concrete plant operated by some relatives. They did actually do some schoolwork in the afternoon. It had also snowed again in the early hours of Friday morning, which made getting to the plant tour a little slow. It wasn't much snow, but it was enough to cover the roads. By the time we had finished the tour and eaten lunch, the roads were fine, however.

We have already had three snows, and that is unusual for a Virginia winter. It has also been extremely cold. I'm wondering how much snow we will eventually get.

Saturday was typical for any given Saturday during basketball season. We began the day with Preston's basketball game. He got to handle the ball quite a bit and attempted several shots. At least one went in, so he was happy. It was a bonus that they won the game, even though it was just a scrimmage. It was lunchtime, so we grabbed a bite to eat and met up with David so that Preston could return home for a shower. Next up was Ian's game. Ian is more involved in the game this year. He seems to understand it better and is beginning to know what he should be doing. They don't post the scores in his division, but the game looked pretty even to me. I suppose I could have kept track of the score, but I don't. After that we were off to a birthday party for one of Preston's friends. We spent the rest of the afternoon and much of the evening there, getting home around 9:00.

Are you tired yet? My intention is to try to post at least weekly, but finding the time to just write will need to be intetional.

Until next time,

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