Friday, October 15, 2010

Summer 2010 Camps

June 27-July 2 Junior 3/5 and Middler 6/8 camps at Shepherd's Spring

Both boys attended, and I went as a counselor for the Junior3/5 girls.

July 5 – 9 Liberty High School Basketball Camp

Only P attended this half day camp.

July 12-16 and July 18-23 Fredericksburg Parks & Rec Summer Fun Camp

This is our favorite area day camp. Only Bean is still old enough for it.

July 18-23 Bayport Scout Reservation

P's Boy Scout troop attended. Nearly every boy attended this summer.

July 26-30 Allegro's Give My Regards To Broadway Camp

Bean enjoyed this day camp where they learned a mini-musical and performed it on Friday. They did a scene and a song from Annie, High School Musical, and the Sound of Music.

August 16-20 Webelos Advancement Camp at Camp William B. Snyder

The Webelos from Bean's Cub Scout pack had a week of fun here. I, along with 3 dads and 1 other mom, supervised 8 boys while they participated in various Scouting activities.

August 23-25 Potomac Nationals Baseball Camp

Both boys learned baseball skills at this 3-day camp taught by minor league baseball players. Additionally, they each received 2 tickets to a game.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kanoa's Meetings

Piedmont District Roundtable – a monthly meeting for Scout leaders (August - June)

Cub Scout Pack Committee – a monthly meeting to plan pack activities (August – June)

MCoB Church Leadership Team – a monthly meeting to discuss church business – joined as Educational Ministries Coordinator in January 2009 – no meeting in July 2010 – term ends January 2011

Cub Scout den meetings twice a month (August – May)

Boy Scout Troop Committee – a monthly meeting to assist with troop activities – serve as Publicity Coordinator

For the summer enjoyed a 6 week break from all meetings

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Summer Swim Team

Practices began June 1 in the evening.

Beginning June 21 practices moved to mornings.

P swam in the 13/14 male division; Bean swam in the 9/10 male division.

June 23 – Aquia Harbour @CPST – lost 262-242

P's events: 50 Free 40.76, 50 Fly 58.47, 50 Back 50.73

Bean's events: 25 Free 27.35, 25 Fly DQ, 25 Back 34.20

June 30 – CPST @College Heights – won (missed)

July 7 – CPST @ Fawn Lake – won

P's events: 50 Free 38.58, 50 Back 48.91, 50 Breast 54.82

Bean's events: 25 Free 26.63

July 14 – Massad YMCA @ CPST – lost

P's events: 50 Free 40.06, 50 Fly 55.93

Bean's events: 25 Free 26.65

July 21 – Austin Ridge @ CPST – won

Bean's events: 25 Free 26.14, 25 Back 29.27

July 26 – CPST @ Dahlgren – lost

P's events: 50 Free 36.80, 50 Fly 47.64, 50 Breast 51.43

Bean's events: 25 Free 24.66

August 7 – Patriot Division Finals – finished 3rd – 739 points

P's events: 50 Fly DQ, 50 Breast 55.13

Bean's events: 25 Free 26.87

Monday, September 27, 2010

Winter/Spring/Summer 2010 Cub Scout Events

January 16 Pinewood Derby
February 20 Blue & Gold Banquet
March 19 Pack Bakeoff
April 22 Adopt-a-Highway
May 15 Pack Olympics
May 25 Rocket Derby
May 31 Warrenton's Memorial Day Parade
June 4 Bridging
July 25 Grand Centennial Parade
August 16-20 Camp William B. Snyder Webelos Advancement Camp
In addition to den meetings twice a month through May

Winter/Spring/Summer 2010 Boy Scout Events

February 12-14 Valley Forge Camping Trip – canceled due to the storm of the century

March 13 Merit Badge Midway

April 17 Order of the Arrow Call Out – P played principal role

May 1 Troop Fund Raiser

May 29-31 Centennial Camporee

June 18-20 Natural Bridge Family Camping Trip

July 18-24 Bayport Scout Reservation Summer Camp

August 21 Troop Reunion

In addition to regular weekly meetings

2010 Spring Soccer

Practices began on March 24

April 10 Game – lost 3-2

April 17 Game – won 4-1

April 24 Game – won 3-1

May 1 Game – lost 0-2

May 8 Game – lost 4-3

May 15 Game – won?

May 22 Game – lost 8-2

June 5 Game – won 2-1

June 5 End of Season Party

2010 Spring Baseball

Due to many issues this spring, I have not kept up with the blog as I had intended. In an effort to make some kind of progress, I am posting a series of short articles detailing some of our activities. Unfortunately, due to soccer, a bout with Lyme disease, and a lack of record keeping by the baseball organization, I don't have very much information about the baseball season, except the dates that games were played. The season was a typical one: they won some games; they lost several games; overall they had some fun. This was also the first season that our oldest moved up to play Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken 13 Prep/Junior baseball.

Practices began on Friday, March 19

First scrimmage Saturday, April 3

Double header Saturday, April 10

Single game Wednesday, April 14

Double header Saturday, April 17

Single game Wednesday, April 21 – canceled

Double header @ Summit Point Saturday, April 24 – missed due to injured foot

Single game Wednesday, April 28

Double header @ Stuart Field Saturday, May 1

Single game Wednesday, May 5

Single game Wednesday, May 12

Double header Saturday, May 15

Single game Wednesday, May 19

Double header Saturday, May 22

Single game Wednesday, May 26

Single game Wednesday, June 2

Double header Saturday, June 5

Single game Thursday, June 10

Single game Thursday, June 17

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Florida Vacation 2010

In my last post, I alluded to the fact that after having had enough of the snow, we took a trip to Florida. Here is the post about that trip.

We left on February 20 immediately following our Cub Scout Pack's Blue & Gold Banquet, where I officially took over as Cubmaster. The previous Cubmaster's youngest son crossed over to Boy Scouts. (Thanks for all of your hard work over the years, Lisa!)

Since it was late afternoon when we left Virginia, we could only drive so far before we had to stop for the night. I should also add that we had agreed to take a friend from church down to Florida with us, so that she could visit her sister, and my mother-in-law also accompanied us. That made 6 of us traveling in our 7-passenger van. We drove as far as South Carolina and stopped for the night. The next day we finished our trip. We met up with our friend's sister, who lives in a neighboring town, and then arrived at the house we were renting in Davenport. We bought a few groceries and settled in that day.

On February 22 the main activity was visiting Downtown Disney. While we did check out some of the other stores and bought ice cream, the real focus of the trip was the Lego store. The boys also fit in some swimming in the heated pool at our rental house and some bike riding around the neighborhood.

While most people who visit the Orlando area do so to visit “the Mouse,” we specifically chose not to do that this time. We purchased park hopper passes to Universal Studios ( and Islands of Adventure ( On February 23 we went to Islands of Adventure. We rode Spiderman, Dueling Dragons, Poseidon's Fury, The Cat in the Hat, and the Popeye ride. While the temperatures in Florida were warmer than Virginia, it was a little cool by Florida standards. Hence when we rode the Popeye ride and got drenched, we shivered for a while afterward. Overall, we had a great time there, but the Harry Potter themed area wasn't open yet, although we could see it under construction, and some of our favorite rides from a previous trip weren't open. Later that evening we went to the movies. Two of us saw “Avatar,” and the other two saw “The Blind Side.”

On February 24 we started out at Universal Studios. It was a little chilly that day, so the park was not crowded at all. We visited every section of the park and rode nearly every attraction. The major exception was the Jaws ride. After getting soaked the previous day, we had no desire to repeat the experience. The ride attendant said that we would get wet, and we could never locate where the ride disembarked to determine how wet they were getting, so we skipped it. We rode the Simpsons ride and Men in Black repeatedly. The Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, with its ability to choose your own music, was also popular with all in our group except our 9-year old son. After lunch at Finnegan's Bar & Grill, we chose to spend the afternoon back at Islands of Adventure where we rode all of our favorite rides again.

The next day, February 25, we drove out to Lakeland to look at the Frank Lloyd Wright buildings at Florida Southern College ( On the way we drove by the high school where a friend is an assistant principal. Oddly enough, she was outside overseeing dismissal, so we stopped and had a brief chat. Very serendipitous. We were able to walk all around and inside the buildings. As a bonus, even though we thought that the Waterdome wasn't working, we did get to see it in operation. We've been to Chicago and seen the Frank Lloyd Wright home and studio and the Robie House, but it was something else to see an entire college campus designed by him.

We spent February 26 packing and watching the Winter Olympics and then left for home on February 27. We decided to drive all the way without staying overnight and arrived home very late that night.

“. . . out of the ground, and into the light, a child of the sun.” - Frank Lloyd Wright

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010

This winter has been exceptional in terms of snowfall for Virginia. We can go for a number of years with no measurable snow at all. So far this year we have had 6 separate measurable snows. In December, there was one snowfall that measured approximately 20 inches at our house. Each of the other snows has varied from an inch or two to about 4 inches.

We are currently in the midst of another major snow. It began snowing at our house at 9:40 a. m. on Friday, February 5. In total we received between 18" and 24".

That snow was followed by another approximately a week later with similar depths. Amazingly, all of our Cub Scout activities were able to continue as scheduled during January and February. Boy Scouts and basketball didn't fare so well. Many meetings and activities were canceled, and the basketball season had to be extended to make up for some of the missed games. Due to owning a tractor and a 4-wheel drive vehicle, my husband was able to dig us out within 24 hours of the snow ending, and he was able to return to work. It generally took me a week to be able to get out in the other vehicle, but it didn't really matter because virtually everything was closed or canceled. Several times the federal government closed, and the Metro also wasn't able to fully function. Both are rarities.

We were so tired of dealing with the cold and snow that we escaped to Florida for a week. Thankfully by the time we returned, there was no trace of snow!

After such a hard winter, we were looking forward to a mild summer. Stay tuned to find out whether or not that was the case.

Scouting in the Outer Banks

Since Scouting plays such an important part of our lives, I felt that it was important to elaborate on one of the things I only briefly mentioned in the previous post.

Our older son's Boy Scout troop generally camps at least once a month, except during December when we sell Christmas trees. Over the third weekend in January, 7 boys and 3 adults from the troop traveled to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. A family in the troop offered their beach house for the troop to use. Originally, the plan was to leave around 4:00 p. m. on Friday, but many things changed throughout the week, and they were able to move the departure time to 2:00 p. m. Travel down to the Outer Banks went well, and they comfortably settled in for the weekend. Two of the adults were able to have their own bedrooms, and the host shared a room with his son. Four Scouts shared one room, and two brothers shared another. Once they were settled the boys began playing the board game Civilization.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to elicit the details I would have liked from my son to expand this post as I had originally intended. So I will post it with the barest of details that I do know.

Saturday was a busy day. They visited Kitty Hawk and the Wright Brothers Memorial. They also toured Roanoke Island and the site of the Lost Colony. Finally, they went to Jockey's Ridge to experience the sand dunes.

Additional board games that were played over the weekend included Rail Baron and The Settlers of Cataan. As it was just a short trip, they left Sunday morning to return home.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Not So Lazy Weekends

I've been intending to write a post about our weekends, so here goes.

The first weekend of the new year began with a lot of housecleaning because the first Sunday of the year we were hosting my mother's extended family. By my mother's extended family, I really mean my grandmother and her siblings' families. Traditionally, my grandmother has always hosted this event, but her declining health has forced her to move into an assisted living situation. Last year the event was still held at her house, hosted by my mom and one of her sisters, but this year my grandmother's house has been rented out in order to bring in some funds to pay for her care. Therefore her house was unavailable, so since we have a relatively large home, we offered to host. Ultimately, we had 42 people at our house for a pot luck meal.

The following weekend brought the start of recreational basketball season. My older son had a game at 11:00 a. m. He made at least one basket, and his team won. Even though it was just a scrimmage, it gets the season off to a good start. After that we had lunch, and my younger son't game was at 1:30 p. m. Scoring isn't posted for his division. To end the day, we attended a birthday party for my older son's friend JG. We ended up staying until about 9:00 p. m. On Sunday we attended church and then relaxed at home for a little while. My older son is enrolled in Junior Cotillion, which meets once a month. This particular Sunday was their scheduled meeting for January. I dropped him off and went to get groceries. Afterward we went out to dinner.

The middle weekend of January proved to be very exciting. In the morning my older son had a basketball game. The team was down by 20 points, but they came back to tie it up at the end of regulation. They lost 59-54 in overtime. In the afternoon, our Cub Scout pack held its Pinewood Derby. My younger son won for the first time in 3 years. To celebrate we had dinner at Red Lobster. Sunday was a relaxing day with just church on the schedule.

The next to last weekend was very relaxing. Since my husband and older son went to the Outer Banks with the Boy Scout troop, it just left my younger son and me at home. With only one basketball game, we ran a few errands and went home to fix dinner. On Sunday we went to church and came home to await the return of the rest of the family.

This brings us to the last weekend of January and the first weekend of February, which are similar due to the fact that there has been snow. All of our activities for both Saturdays were canceled. Thanks to our 4-wheel drive truck, we were able to make it to church on Sunday.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Week Back at School

Well, we returned to school this week, and there's never any easing back into things around here. Actually getting back to work on Monday wasn't as hard as I thought it would be after being off for two weeks. The boys actually did a fair amount of work on Monday, but Monday also brought the start of rec. basketball season. Ian's practice is on Monday nights. However this is also Boy Scout night for Preston. Tuesday is music lessons, and because it was the first Tuesday of the month, it was also Patrol Leader Council for Boy Scouts. Wednesday should have been Cub Scouts, but we had a piano recital instead. Preston's basketball practice is on Thursdays, and just to keep it interesting, we had a field trip on Friday. Really, it was just a private tour of a local precast concrete plant operated by some relatives. They did actually do some schoolwork in the afternoon. It had also snowed again in the early hours of Friday morning, which made getting to the plant tour a little slow. It wasn't much snow, but it was enough to cover the roads. By the time we had finished the tour and eaten lunch, the roads were fine, however.

We have already had three snows, and that is unusual for a Virginia winter. It has also been extremely cold. I'm wondering how much snow we will eventually get.

Saturday was typical for any given Saturday during basketball season. We began the day with Preston's basketball game. He got to handle the ball quite a bit and attempted several shots. At least one went in, so he was happy. It was a bonus that they won the game, even though it was just a scrimmage. It was lunchtime, so we grabbed a bite to eat and met up with David so that Preston could return home for a shower. Next up was Ian's game. Ian is more involved in the game this year. He seems to understand it better and is beginning to know what he should be doing. They don't post the scores in his division, but the game looked pretty even to me. I suppose I could have kept track of the score, but I don't. After that we were off to a birthday party for one of Preston's friends. We spent the rest of the afternoon and much of the evening there, getting home around 9:00.

Are you tired yet? My intention is to try to post at least weekly, but finding the time to just write will need to be intetional.

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas 2009 Letter

It has been another busy year for our family. Preston is now 13 and in 8th grade. It may be interesting to note that he is already taller than Kanoa. Ian turned 9 in November and is in 3rd grade. While he is not yet as tall as his mother, he is growing rapidly. Ian and Preston continue with their music instruction. Ian plays piano, and Preston plays both piano and guitar. Both boys had exciting basketball seasons last year since both teams were undefeated. Spring brought baseball season for them both. Summer is swim team season, and Ian was finally able to join the team. Preston improved considerably this year and contributed by earning points for the Curtis Park Seahawks at several meets. Although the team didn't have a great regular season, they came back and won their division's Finals. Preston assisted by winning first place for 11-12 year old men's 50 meter C freestyle and by taking 4th place in 11-12 year old men's 50 meter C butterfly. While Preston no longer plays a fall sport, Ian decided to explore soccer this fall. He enjoyed it and will switch from baseball to soccer. Additionally, both boys have been attending the spring break and summer basketball camps at a local high school.

In June Preston and three other boys attended the Church of the Brethren National Junior High Conference held at JMU in Harrisonburg. They had a good time participating in the conference activities and experiencing a college campus. They met youth from other churches and are looking forward to attending events in the future. Our family had a first this summer – a broken bone. Preston and some friends were playing football after church in August, and during one of the plays he fell and broke his wrist. After spending about 6 hours at the emergency room, Preston was released with a full arm cast. An orthopedic surgeon happened to be in the hospital, so he was able to set the wrist right away. Preston had to wear the cast for six weeks, and then he wore a wrist brace for another few weeks. Preston was disappointed in the timing of this injury because he missed the church ice cream social and because we were leaving for the cruise a couple of weeks later. Other than missing the ice cream, everything else managed to turn out well. We are hopeful that this will be our only experience with this type of injury.

This summer Ian again attended our denominational summer camp – Shepherd's Spring – in Sharpsburg, Maryland. This was the first year that he could attend without an adult partner. However, since a couple of other people we know signed up as adult counselors, Kanoa decided to take the plunge and volunteer also since it was only a three night camp. Ian enjoyed attending the camp with his friends/cousins Meredyth and Davin while Kanoa enjoyed being able to fellowship with their moms Yvonne and Jerry Anne. Being the moms of only boys, Jerry Anne and Kanoa had an interesting experience being in charge of a cabin full of girls. While there was some homesickness, everyone made it through the whole camp and had a good experience. Many of the children expressed a desire to attend the full week camp next summer.

Scouting still figures prominently in our lives. Ian is now a Bear with Kanoa as his den leader. Some of the activities that he has enjoyed are the annual Pinewood Derby (where he took 2nd place overall), attending a Washington Nationals game as a prize for selling popcorn, and attending summer day camp for a week. Preston has recently attained the rank of Life, which is the rank just below Eagle. This year he was elected to the Order of the Arrow, a Scouting honor society. He attended an ordeal to confirm his membership in June. Additionally, he became Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for his troop this fall. Highlights for this year included snow tubing in February, summer camp at Camp Rock Enon in Gore, cooking two lunches for a local Habitat for Humanity project, a troop movie night, and working at the Boy Scout Christmas tree lot. Many of the camping trips this fall have been wet and rainy. One in particular was dubbed the Soggy Apple Rain-o-ree.

In addition to attending the Washington Nationals game with Ian, Preston & David attended a Washington Capitals game with some friends. We also attended a couple of UVA women's basketball games. A highlight of David's year was the 25th reunion of Brentsville District High School's class of 1984. He had an enjoyable weekend catching up with old friends. In addition to teaching Sunday school, being a Cub Scout den leader, and homeschooling the boys, Kanoa also became the Educational Coordinator for the church's Leadership Team.

We rarely mention our cat Tigger, but he bears special mention this year for the mere fact that he is still with us. One night in late spring, he came home injured and we had to take him to the vet. He quickly recovered from his injuries. Then in August he had to make a trip to the animal hospital due to a blocked urinary tract. For those who don't know, this is a life threatening condition for cats, and for a while it wasn't certain that he would survive. After the hospital stabilized him, he had to be transported to our regular veterinarian, who still wasn't sure he would make it. Eventually after a few days he was able to come home. So far he is doing well. He must eat special food and drink distilled water, and he is not supposed to venture outside anymore. He has adjusted well to the food and water, but he still thinks he is “King of the Jungle” and wants to be outside. He's a good cat, and the boys love him, so we're happy he's still here.

Our big event this year was a cruise to Canada. Our preparations for the trip began months before the actual cruise with the reading of Anne of Green Gables (well, actually, listening to a book on tape). Our immediate family (David, Kanoa, Preston, and Ian), Kanoa's mom, David's parents, their neighbors Ed and Kathy Watson, and Bob's cousin Jim left one sunny September morning for an uneventful drive up to the port in Philadelphia. The port is located on a military base and is not well suited for the arrival of thousands of people, so we had to sit in a line of cars for approximately an hour waiting for our turn to unload luggage and drop off passengers. Check in and embarkation were relatively smooth since we were able to immediately check out our rooms on the Norwegian Majesty. Although we were warned about the rough seas of the North Atlantic by a friend from church, we had an uneventful and relatively smooth sailing. Our first port of call was St. John, New Brunswick. We chose to rent a car and drive about an hour out of town to Bay of Fundy National Park. We ate lunch at a charming restaurant just outside of the park where we had fresh seafood. Then we hiked a trail to a waterfall in the park. Our second port of call was Sydney, Nova Scotia. We walked around this small town on Labor Day and visited an Anglican church. Our next port of call was Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. We rented another car and first drove out to the Confederation Bridge where we watched a video of its construction. Then we drove to the northern side of the island to visit the Anne of Green Gables Historic Site. Our next to last port of call was Halifax, Nova Scotia. Our first order of business was to walk to the Citadel above the city. It was an enlightening visit as we were able to see a different perspective of the War of 1812, for which the citadel was fortified. On our way back down to the wharf, we stopped at a highly recommended seafood restaurant, where a German tourist who had apparently never seen a lobster wanted a photo of the one we were sharing for lunch. Once back down at the wharf we visited the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, which features among other things, an actual deck chair from the Titanic. Halifax was the closest port the accident, and many survivors and dead were brought there. Our final port of call was Portland, Maine. Here we took a bus tour of the city and enjoyed some of the architectural sights, but the highlight was a trip out to the Portland Head Light commissioned by George Washington. After all of that excitement it was time to return to Philadelphia and another uneventful drive home.

Our photo this year was taken in the recent 20 inches of snow we received. Kanoa is going to attempt to pursue a couple of new interests next year. She has added a Facebook profile and started a blog. If you'd like to know what we're up to rather than waiting for the Christmas letter, check out the blog at or look her up on Facebook. We hope that everyone had a merry Christmas and that 2010 will bring you blessings.


Ian, Preston, Kanoa, & David