Friday, February 2, 2024

33/366 Picture Today Post

33/366 | February 2, 2024 | #365PictureToday

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I got my hair cut today.  I wanted to get it cut back in December, but when I looked at my calendar I realized that I didn't have any openings in my schedule between work, traveling, and Christmas festivities.  Unfortunately, when I made the appointment there was a bit of confusion, and I ended up getting booked with a different stylist because mine doesn't work on the first Friday of the month.  I decided to keep the appointment because apparently the last time I got my hair cut was July.  The stylist did a great job!  Here's my new do and a look at a new shirt that I recently bought at 75% off!  You have to love when you find a bargain.  The part that's covered by my hair says "Stay wild moon child."

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