Wednesday, June 15, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

166/365 | Wednesday, June 15, 2022 | #365PictureToday


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This isn't the best picture, but I really wanted to get a picture of my new bowling shirt today, and we were almost unbeatable.  My mom and I won two games and took total pins after bowling the gentlemen who are currently in second place.  However, near the end of our league's bowling session, the bowling alley was inundated with something like 120 kids.  We were pre-warned that they were coming, but in the rush to leave, I totally forgot to take a picture of the scoreboard.  I left and put my things in my car before remembering, and of course, by the time I came back inside, the scores were gone.  So the best I could do was this picture of me in my sparkly new shirt and new haircut.



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