Tuesday, May 31, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

151/365 | Tuesday, May 31, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture Style | Street Photography
This is Carousel, a popular local place to get ice cream and other treats.  It's a wholesome family environment, and I decided to have ice cream for lunch today.  Lots of kids were there this afternoon since the county schools are out for the summer and some of the private schools seemed to have a half day.  It's difficult to see through the plants, but there is always a line unless it is raining.  I had another idea for my picture there, but I ran into a friend who was on her lunch break from work, and I ate my ice cream while we talked instead of taking pictures.


Monday, May 30, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

150/365 | Monday, May 30, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture Style | Street Photography 
These workers have been busy working on a bridge for the past several months.  When they are done traffic will be back to moving efficiently and safely through the area.



Memorial Day 2022

Here's to a moving and meaningful Memorial Day.  I hope you enjoy my photo creation of poppies from Colonial Williamsburg with the words to John McCrae's "In Flanders Fields" poem.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

149/365 | Sunday, May 29, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture Style | Street Photography
This isn't exactly street photography, but it was the best I could do.  Actually, moments before I took this picture there were several young girls enjoying the fountain, but their mom rounded them up and left before I could make my way over there.  For me this statue epitomizes paradise: reading in a shady spot with the library nearby.



Saturday, May 28, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

148/365 | Saturday, May 28, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony | Picture My World 
Picture 2 in the Picture My World Series.  It's quite shady down by the holly tree right now.



Friday, May 27, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

147/365 | Friday, May 27, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony | Picture My Hands 
Several months ago I bought some weights to use at home.  I think lifting weights is epic.


Thursday, May 26, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

146/365 | Thursday, May 26, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Guest Prompt | Harmony
It's unbelievable that this foxglove is growing alongside my driveway.  I don't recall it being planted there, and it's actually too close to the actual drive for someone to have planted it.  I'm not really sure how it ended up there.  However, it is beautiful and in harmony with its surroundings.  It's also my favorite color.



Wednesday, May 25, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

145/365 | Wednesday, May 25, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony
Win or lose, Wednesday is bowling day.  You definitely need to have internal calm to do your best.  I had my mom take this picture since it's difficult to set the timer and throw the ball properly.



Tuesday, May 24, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

144/365 |  Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony | Picture the Alphabet 
K is for Kanoa and L is for Lego.



Monday, May 23, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

143/365 | Monday, May 23, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony 
I just love these Lego Architecture sets.  I think they are awesome, and even though I am in my 50s, I love putting them together.



Sunday, May 22, 2022

365 Picture Today Post

142/365 | Sunday, May 22, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony | Sunday Selfie 
As is often the case, my Sunday selfie is at church.  I decided to take my picture with some of the banners from Easter that are still up.  We share our church with a Hispanic congregation and have a few bilingual congregants who attend our service as well.  It is harmonious to have banners in both languages.



2022 365 Picture Today Post

141/365 | Saturday, May 21, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Contrast 
I don't know if these flowers (pansies?) are precisely complementary, but they do have contrasting and pleasing colors.


Friday, May 20, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

140/365 | Friday, May 20, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Contrast 
A hearty breakfast is a necessity.  I tried to provide some contrast with the pot holders underneath.



Thursday, May 19, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

139/365 | Thursday, May 19, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Contrast 
These two cars are different in both size and color.  I think both models are sensational!



Wednesday, May 18, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

138/365 | Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Contrast 
After we returned from vacation, I noticed that the rhododendron has started to bloom.  It is fearlessly growing in the shade of our woods.



Tuesday, May 17, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

137/365 | Tuesday, May 17, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Contrast
I don't know whether I will ever master all of the Lego projects that I want to build, but I'll keep trying.  I decided to change out the foliage on the bonsai tree today.  I put the green on for the late spring/early summer and placed the cherry blossoms on the ground so that it hopefully looks like they fell off the tree in order to provide a contrast.



Monday, May 16, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

136/365 | Monday, May 16, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Contrast
Apparently the Corvette club was having a meeting at one of the restaurants in the shopping center where I work.  It might be audacious for so many people to drive such a fast car, but it was definitely a contrast to the more mundane cars that I usually see when I leave work.


Sunday, May 15, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

135/365 | Sunday, May 15, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture More | Contrast
My son brought his puppy Winnie over to get some outdoor exercise today while he changed the oil in his truck.  She has a bubbly, energetic personality.  I tried to get some action shots of her, but it has been a while since I have had to do that, and they all turned out blurry.  Here she has jumped up into the back of my other son's car since the back was open.  She is always up for a car ride apparently.



Saturday, May 14, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

134/365 | Saturday, May 14, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture Color | Pink
I got dressed up in a springy pink shirt and even put on some pink lip gloss for my picture today.  I was enjoying the sunny, warm weather.



Friday, May 13, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

133/365 | Friday, May 13, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture Color | Pink
We came back from our vacation early to lay a dear friend from church to rest. I managed to find a flower arrangement that was mostly pink for today's POTD.  If you are interested in learning more about this son, husband, father, brother, friend, lay preacher, teacher, home inspector, softball player, disc golf lover, leader, and all around great guy, please follow this link: https://www.moserfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Lorne-Blaine-Holmes?obId=24822010#/celebrationWall  
Taken with my phone camera.

This wonderful quilt made from old t-shirts was also on display.  So many memories encapsulated in it.


Thursday, May 12, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

132/365 | Thursday, May 12, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture Color | Pink 
During our last day at Colonial Williamsburg we decided to spend it indoors at the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum and the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum since it was a rainy day.  I found this Grecian style recamier couch manufactured by Hugh Finlay in Baltimore in the Upholstery CSI exhibit.  Not only does the fabric appear to be in the pink family, but it must have been an effective piece of furniture, having been manufactured between 1819 and 1821 and still in use in the family home until 2002!  For more information, visit the Colonial Williamsburg website: https://emuseum.history.org/objects/68744/couch?ctx=a32ddb29ba0ff8b3a24cc3eacb95729101ee2e11&idx=31



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Gardens of Colonial Williamsburg

I met up with a member of my online photography group and we spent some time exploring the gardens of Colonial Williamsburg.  We started at the Governor's Palace.


After that we moved on to the Colonial Garden.  All of the plants have to be historically accurate, including the prickly pear cactus apparently.

This little garden is somewhere behind the Colonial Garden, and I'm not even sure that it is shown on the maps.  It;s well worth a visit though!

Next we made our way down and across Duke of Gloucester Street to the Biblical Garden at Bruton Parish Church, where they have some pomegranate trees.