Thursday, April 21, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

111/365 | Thursday, April 21, 2022 | #365PictureToday


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Yesterday a few of us from church volunteered for our district's annual meat canning at Christian Aid Ministries in Ephrata, Pennsylvania.  Over four days approximately 2,000 pounds of chicken gets canned.  This year the cans will be divided with two-thirds going to the two districts who sponsor the meat canning (Mid-Atlantic and Southern Pennsylvania) and the other third going to Christian Aid Ministries.The canned meat gets distributed to a variety of sources, including food pantries.  We worked from about 7:20 until 11:30 cutting, canning, and labeling.  Having driven 3 hours from Virginia, it's possible that our group had come the farthest that day.  This photo was taken when we were getting ready to go to lunch, which was provided by another set of volunteers.  I had to take it with my phone through a window into the processing room because I was no longer wearing the required gown, hairnet, and gloves.  I think it's pretty classy to volunteer time to help out with projects like this.


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