Thursday, March 3, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

62/365 | Thursday, March 3, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Guest Prompt | Makes Me Happy 
Today we were supposed to think about what we might find eye-opening if we were newly arrived to our own town.  A few years ago we had a foreign exchange student from Paris stay with us for a few weeks during the summer, and I tried to remember what he found eye-opening.  I couldn't remember anything specific, except when we took him to a family cabin in West Virginia, he commented about how dark it was.  Ultimately I decided that people might wonder about these little boxes with books in them.  They are called Little Free Libraries, and this one is around the corner from where I work.  There is even a map of them (but some of the ones I know of aren't on the map, so it's definitely not a complete listing): Little Free Library Map  Since I love to read, this was a perfect choice, and making books available to everyone is a great goal.


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