Tuesday, January 4, 2022

2022 365 Picture Today Post

4/365 | Tuesday, January 4, 2022 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | About Me | Picture the Alphabet 
I had several ideas for this picture.  At first I thought it would fall on a Wednesday, that would be great because I could get both letters from the Bowl America sign.  Alas, I had my days mixed up.  Then I decided that the A in our Mathnasium sign would be great to include, but due to the leftover snow I couldn't make it to work today.  Instead I had to look around my house for inspiration. The A comes from my personalized license plate.  I even included some snow for context.  The B is from a book cover because I just love reading.

This is one of the reasons I couldn't go to work:

In case you can't tell, the moving van was stuck and blocking the road for a considerable portion of the day.  Taken from the end of my driveway, where another lady was stuck in the ditch across the street!


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