Saturday, May 1, 2021

365 Picture Today Post

 121/365 | Saturday, May 1, 2021 | #365PictureToday


Picture You | Harmony 
It was truly a joyful day.  We attended an Eagle Court of Honor for one of the boys in our old Boy Scout troop.  Since our youngest son had aged out, we were already transitioning out of the troop in the fall of 2019, but we were still trying to help out and enjoyed attending courts of honor for the boys we knew.  Then the pandemic hit last spring, and special events that occurred at all were much smaller.  Today was the first time in a year and a half that we have seen many of these friends from our Scouting world.  Because many places are still not allowing groups or events, the ceremony was held outdoors at the Scout's home.
It started off with a campfire ceremony.

Our son was part of the Eagle honor guard.

And David, as the former Committee Chair, was asked to say a few words about the Scout.

All of the boys who are Eagle Scouts wanted a picture together.  Of course, I wanted to capture the moment, and several of the boys gave me their cell phones and asked me to take pictures for them too.

It was a beautiful day to celebrate this important moment and to spend some time with friends.


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