Saturday, January 17, 2015

Christmas 2013

December 2013

As usual it has been a busy year for our family. Preston is 17 and a senior this year, and we have spent much time in college preparatory events, including taking achievement tests and visiting colleges. In February we spent a weekend visiting the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, and in April we visited the University of Virginia on an official tour. Then in August we spent a day touring Virginia Commonwealth University. This fall Preston has also begun the process of applying to colleges. This year Preston is only taking one class at CHESS (Centreville Homeschool Enrichment Support Services) – Spanish 3. However, beginning with the summer semester, he has been taking dual enrollment classes at Northern Virginia Community College. During the summer he took college chemistry, and this fall he took scientific programming and pre-calculus. The other big news for Preston is that he obtained his driver's license, and thanks to a used truck from his grandparents, he is able to drive himself to his classes this year.

Ian just turned 13 and is in 7th grade this year. He is continuing to take an introductory French class at CHESS, and additionally, he is participating in a co-op to supplement the literature and history we are studying in our homeschooling. The co-op members spent a day in Richmond in October where we visited the Edgar Allan Poe Museum and St. John Church, where Patrick Henry gave his famous speech. Additionally, several members of the group went to see a production of MacBeth by the Castaways Repertory Theatre.

In church-related news, Preston and Ian both participated in Youth Sunday, with Ian acting as the worship leader and Preston providing accompaniment on piano and guitar in May. In June David and Kanoa took Ian and a friend from church to the Church of the Brethren National Junior High Conference at Elizabethtown College. We rushed back on Father's Day just in time for a church service on Licking Run where Preston and two other youth from church were baptized. During the summer both boys attended church camp at Shepherd's Spring. In September we celebrated homecoming at church with a special service and guest speaker followed by a meal. Preston and Ian participated in a praise band. Preston played electric guitar, and Ian played piano. Following the meal, Preston's Eagle project in the church cemetery was dedicated. Whether it is ushering, sharing their musical talents, or helping with the sound and audio/visual systems, both boys routinely participate in worship services. Additionally, Kanoa is finishing her first year as chair of the church's leadership team, while still occasionally teaching Sunday School and helping with the youth programs. David continues to teach an adult Sunday School class and oversee the sound system.

Preston and Ian are both active in other extracurricular activities as well. Preston is in his second year on the Mid-Atlantic District Youth Cabinet, and he has enjoyed planning and attending several events for senior high youth in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia. Events have included a winter retreat at Camp Hashawha in Maryland, snow tubing in Pennsylvania, Roundtable at Bridgewater College, a Baltimore Orioles game, a beach retreat at Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware, and a Christmas lock-in, plus a few Cabinet meetings. Both boys continue to take piano lessons, and Preston continues to work on his guitar skills. Preston played church league softball again this year, and Midland won the championship in their division. Ian played both spring and fall soccer. In the fall he moved up to the U-14 division, and his team was undefeated in the regular season as well as the end of season tournament. They also continued to swim for the Curtis Park Seahawks this summer, and due to his participation during the school year with the Nation's Capital Swim Team, Ian saw great improvement in his times during the summer.

Preston and Ian are also still active in Boy Scouts. Ian sold enough popcorn last year to earn tickets to Scout day at the Washington Nationals game in the spring. Among other camping trips this year, our troop planned their own summer camp in Gettysburg to participate in the sesquicentennial events. Ian attended for the whole week, and Kanoa, David, and Preston went up for a few days at the end of the week. Highlights were attending a battle reenactment, visiting Hershey Park on the fourth of July, and watching fireworks in Lititz. We have also been busy working the Christmas tree lot that our troop runs each year with four other area troops.

Biking and hiking remain popular pastimes. For Memorial Day, Preston and a friend went hiking on the Appalachian Trail, and David, Kanoa, Kanoa's mom, Ian, and a friend went biking on the Warrenton Greenway followed by a picnic at Sky Meadows State Park. In June, David and his siblings planned a fiftieth anniversary party for his parents. Many friends and family were able to attend. Additionally, in July we traveled to Abingdon for a reunion. Preston invited a friend, and they were able to do some hiking on the Appalachian Trail in that part of the state. In addition to the reunion, we biked on the VirginiaCreeper Trail for David's birthday, and despite a mechanical breakdown, we had an enjoyable time. Everyone also enjoyed swimming on South Holston Lake. The new double level dock proved especially popular.
Wishing everyone the best for 2014,
The Ratliffs
David, Kanoa, Preston, & Ian

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