Monday, May 27, 2024

148/366 Picture Today Post

148/366 | Monday, May 27, 2024 | #365PictureToday

Scavenger Hunt/Alone

Today we spent the day in Williamsburg at a meetup of my photo group.  Everyone got a scavenger hunt sheet.  My finds were the Compton Oak (tree), the post office sign (horn), Peter Hay's Shop (red), the gate at the Governor's Palace through a keyhole (crown), the Governor's Palace at the end of Palace Green (alone), a bonus photo of the group, a clock at the Governor's Palace (clock), the sign for the King's Arms Tavern (lion), a display in the apothecary (bottle), and a window and bricks at the Capitol (bricks).



Sunday, May 19, 2024

140/366 Picture Today Post

140/366 | Sunday, May 19, 2024 | #365PictureToday

Off Prompt

Today we visited Prince Michel Winery for a belated Mother's Day event.  It's been nearly 32 years since I last visited for a birthday dinner.  We enjoyed lunch, adult beverages, and a tour of the winery.  Lots of things have changed in the intervening years, but it's still worth a visit.