Thursday, March 24, 2016

2015 End of Year Letter

December 2015

Ian just turned 15 and is in 9th grade this year. Not only is he now in high school, but he recently had his braces taken off and will soon be getting his learner's permit. Ian is now taking French I at CHESS and this year he is also taking the Yearbook/Photography class. He is also still participating in a co-op to supplement the literature we are studying in our homeschooling. In March we took a field trip to Agecroft Hall, a Tudor-style house built in the mid-16th century. Ian also continues to take piano lessons. In February he participated in the Manassas Piano Festival, receiving superiors in theory and solos. He played in recitals in June and December and occasionally plays special music at church. Ian again played both spring and fall soccer, and his team continues to post winning records in the WYSC U-17 division. Ian also continues to enjoy participating in Mid-Atlantic District Church of the Brethren events. He attended a junior high lock-in in February, snow tubing in March, National Junior High Conference in June, Beach Retreat in September, and a Christmas lock-in in December. In addition to continuing to help with the sound and audio/visual systems at church, Ian decided to get baptized in August of this year. Ian has continued to swim for the Curtis Park Seahawks during the summer, and he decided to play on the church softball team this year. He spent back-to-back weeks at summer camp: first a week at Cherokee Scout Reservation in North Carolina for Boy Scout camp at the end of July and then a week at Shepherd's Spring's Outdoor Adventure Camp in August. During the summer Ian enjoys helping at the local library as a volunteer with their Summer Reading Program, and during the school year he participates in their Teen Advisory Group. Ian also continues to stay busy with Boy Scouts. He was Patrol Leader during this past school year, and he helped organize several events, including a patrol campout in our woods in May and a karaoke lock-in at the end of October. He also participated in several troop campouts and other events. As usual, this month we have also been busy working the Christmas tree lot that our troop runs each year with four other area troops.

Preston successfully completed his first year at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, where he took classes such as University Physics II, Engineering Visualization & Computation, and Electric Circuits, and he even took Differential Equations at Northern Virginia Community College this summer to lessen his course load this fall. This summer Preston continued to play on our church's softball team. During the fall semester, Preston took Multivariable Calculus, Material Science, Dynamics, Deformables, and UNIV 200 (a writing class) toward his degree in mechanical engineering. He is sharing an on-campus apartment with one of his roommates from last year. In August we met Preston's girlfriend Cassandra when we went to dinner prior to Preston returning to school for the fall. Since then Cassandra has attended many family events.

Kanoa has had a relatively light year regarding volunteer positions. She is completing a term on the church's gifts discernment team, while still also teaching Sunday School and helping with the youth programs. As a delegate for the Piedmont Republican Women's Club, she attended the Virginia Federation of Republican Women's convention in Richmond last spring. Kanoa continues to teach Ian most subjects, including grammar, spelling, history, science, and math, but she also transports him to all of his outside classes and activities.

David continues to teach an adult Sunday School class and oversee the sound system. He is also the Committee Chair for our Boy Scout troop. He helped to plan a troop bike trip to the Virginia Capitals Trail this fall, and although Ian wasn't able to attend due to a conflict with his soccer tournament, David still went and enjoyed a 27-mile bike trip on this relatively new trail. In December David also traveled to Denver for a business trip where he was able to visit with his cousins.

In March Kanoa organized a ski trip for the Boy Scout troop. We took a day trip to Liberty Mountain in Pennsylvania. Both Preston and Ian were able to ski for the first time, and a number of other boys from the troop were able to experience skiing. David and Kanoa both attended to provide support and assist with logistics. In May, Kanoa and Ian traveled to Winchester to visit Kanoa's friend and to attend the Apple Blossom Parade. In June we traveled with all of David's family to southwest Virginia for his Aunt Mary's memorial service at the old homeplace in Grundy. This summer Kanoa served as Midland Church of the Brethren's delegate to the Church of the Brethren's Annual Conference in Tampa. While Kanoa was busy with business sessions and Ian participated in junior high activities, David relaxed in the hotel room. Ian enjoyed attending an aquarium and participating in the other junior high activities We all enjoyed the daily worship services, especially the performances by the Nigerian Women's Choir. Since we drove from Virginia to Florida, we enjoyed a couple of stops. On the trip south, we stopped at the Dwarf Grill, the original Chick-fil-a, near Atlanta. On the trip north we once again stopped in Atlanta. This time we spent part of the day at the World of Coca-Cola. In September David and Kanoa celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary by taking a trip to Quebec City – their first vacation alone in many years. On the way up to Canada, they stayed overnight in Lake Placid and then visited Malone, New York, to see the Farmer Boy house, making this the third Little House on the Prairie/Laura Ingalls Wilder site we have visited. While in Quebec, David and Kanoa enjoyed visiting the Old City and taking a trip out to Montmorency Falls. In September, all of us, including Cassandra and a friend from church, attended the UVA vs. William & Mary football game. The game was more exciting than it should have been, but UVA won thankfully. Wahoowa!Then in November Kanoa's grandmother celebrated her 90th birthday. Her children organized a party for her.

Wishing blessings for our friends and family for 2016,

The Ratliffs
David, Kanoa, Preston, & Ian