Monday, October 12, 2015

A Week in the Life Graphic - Fall 2015

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Exceptions
08:30:00 AM Gym Breakfast Gym Breakfast Gym?
08:45:00 AM

09:00:00 AM

09:15:00 AM

09:30:00 AM

09:45:00 AM

10:00:00 AM
School School
10:15:00 AM Breakfast
Breakfast 3rd Th -

10:30:00 AM

1st Wed.
10:45:00 AM

11:00:00 AM Library
Library 10:00-1:00
11:15:00 AM

11:30:00 AM

11:45:00 AM

12:00:00 PM

12:15:00 PM

12:30:00 PM

12:45:00 PM

01:00:00 PM
Lunch Lunch
01:15:00 PM Photography/

01:30:00 PM Yearbook

01:45:00 PM Class

02:00:00 PM

02:15:00 PM French I
French I

02:30:00 PM


02:45:00 PM

03:00:00 PM

03:15:00 PM

Drive Home Library

03:30:00 PM

03:45:00 PM

04:00:00 PM Drive Home 2nd T – Library

04:15:00 PM
TAG Program

04:30:00 PM

04:45:00 PM

05:00:00 PM Dinner Dinner Dinner Soccer

05:15:00 PM

05:30:00 PM

05:45:00 PM

06:00:00 PM


06:15:00 PM Drive to Mtg.

06:30:00 PM

06:45:00 PM
1st T – M&W

07:00:00 PM Boy Scouts 1st T – FCRC

07:15:00 PM
2nd T – Round-
3rd Th – PRWC

07:30:00 PM
4th Th –

07:45:00 PM
4th T – PLC

08:00:00 PM

Dist. Cmte.

08:15:00 PM

08:30:00 PM Drive Home

08:45:00 PM

09:00:00 PM

A Week In The Life - Fall 2015

I decided to revisit the topic of “A Day in the Life” since that was the post that kicked off this blog six years ago. Much has changed in our life since then. We still homeschool, and we still live in Fauquier County, Virginia, a rural exurb of Washington, D. C. Our son Preston is now 19 and in his second year at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he is studying mechanical engineering. That leaves just Ian, almost 15, at home, beginning his freshman year of high school. In addition to homeschooling, Mom, Kanoa, also is busy volunteering in the community with multiple roles at our church and with Boy Scouts and networking with other homeschoolers. Dad, David, has a degree in civil engineering but works in the systems engineering field at a defense contractor located in one of the closer in suburbs.

Since each day at our house is different, this will be more of a week in the life post to give you a glimpse of what our family's homeschool is like.

4:45 In order to have more time with the family and to avoid the notoriously bad D. C. rush hour, David gets up well before the rest of the family.

5:15 David is out the door and headed to his job. He usually arrives at his office between 6:00 and 6:30, depending on how bad traffic already is.

6:25 Kanoa's alarm goes off, and on a good day she will get up immediately. She takes her shower and begins the day's chores which, at a minimum, include making the bed, starting some laundry, and feeding the cat. It may also include cleaning one of the bathrooms and folding laundry from the previous night.

7:30 David usually calls home to check what's on the schedule for the day and how things are going. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Fridays during the school year, we are usually trying to head out the door to get to the gym. It takes approximately 40 minutes to drive to the gym.

8:00 On Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays, it's time to start breakfast and wake Ian up.

8:15 On Mondays and Wednesdays we arrive at the gym for some exercise before starting our school work. Ian does some cardio or swims laps, and Kanoa warms up with some cardio before lifting weights. We're typically there for about two hours. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays, we eat breakfast, do the dishes, and take care of some more laundry.

9:00 On Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays, Kanoa spends time reading the Bible. In past years we have participated in a reading the Bible in a year program and reading the Bible in chronological order in a year. This year Kanoa is concentrating on just reading some Psalms and Proverbs each day.

10:00 On Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays, the school day officially starts with Bible reading and devotions. We read from a devotional, read a chapter from the Bible, and pray. For devotions we are using a combination of devotions from the website d365 and advent and lenten devotionals printed by Brethren Press. This fall we are focusing on Acts for our Bible readings. After that is done Kanoa gets the computer ready to check e-mail and news during brief breaks while Ian is working independently. On the third Thursday of the month a local skating rink is open for homeschool skate from 10:00 to 1:00 so we generally try to attend that.

10:30 On most Mondays and Wednesdays we leave the gym and get breakfast for Ian before heading to a local library for a few hours. However, on the first Wednesday of each month Kanoa attends a board meeting for a community organization while Ian works on his schoolwork.

11:00 On Mondays we arrive at the library and will work here for an hour and 45 minutes.
Ian works on his assignments from A Beka's Grammar & Composition I; Themes in Literature; Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry II & III; History of the World in Christian Perspective; Science: Order and Design; and Health in Christian Perspective. He also does vocabulary from Vocabulary from Classical Roots and Singapore Math's New Elementary Mathematics Syllabus D Book 1.

12:00 On Tuesdays we break for lunch.

12:45 On Mondays we leave the library. Ian eats his packed lunch on the way to his classes at CHESS. Kanoa eats lunch while Ian is in class on Mondays and Wednesdays.

1:00. On Tuesdays, Kanoa teaches/tutors pre-algebra to four students in a co-op in which we have been involved for a few years. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, we take a break for lunch.

1:10 On Mondays, Ian's photography/yearbook class meets for an hour.

2:00. On Tuesdays, Ian attends literature class with the co-op. Mostly they have been reading classic works of literature such as Dante's Inferno, The Prince and the Pauper, Call of the Wild, Gulliver's Travels, A Christmas Carol, The Time Machine, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Robinson Crusoe, Phantom of the Opera, Frankenstein, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and 1984. The first book for this year was The Giver, and now they are preparing to read The Shining. Many of these books have inspired us to read additional books. Since we spend a lot of time in the car, we put it to good use listening to audio books.

2:20 On Mondays, Ian's French 1 class meets for an hour and a half. On Wednesdays, French 1 meets for an hour.
2:30 On Thursdays Ian goes to his piano lesson for 30 minutes. He has been playing piano for about 8 years. He is currently working on Christmas recital music and Festival pieces.

3:15 On Thursdays we head to a local library to finish up any school work.

4:00 On the second Tuesday Ian is involved in a group at our local library called Teen Advisory Group (TAG) that meets during the school year. They meet to do service projects and other activities that the teens enjoy. During the summer, Ian also volunteers with the summer reading program.

4:15 David usually arrives home from work, and on Wednesdays Kanoa and Ian are getting home from French class.

5:00 On most days it's time to start dinner because our day is usually far from over. On Thursdays in the fall and spring Ian has soccer practice for an hour. While he practices, Kanoa uses the time to exercise by using the paths around the soccer fields.

7:00 On Mondays our Boy Scout troop meets for an hour and a half. Ian is currently a Star Scout. He just finished a term as Patrol Leader for his patrol. We usually attend the meetings as a family because David is the Committee Chair and Kanoa is also on the Committee. We frequently have to sit on boards of review for Scouts, help with merit badges, or help to organize troop activities. On certain Tuesdays and Thursdays other meetings are scheduled for either David or Kanoa.

7:30 If there are no meetings, Kanoa enjoys watching Jeopardy!

9:15. We're generally getting home on nights when there have been meetings.

9:30 Time to get ready for bed after another busy day.

10:00 Lights out.

To better help explain this weekly schedule, I have also created a graphic that I will also post.